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10月18日 Chandra X-ray Observatory imaging survey of quasars
文章来源:    发布时间:2011-09-23    【字号:
     题  目:Chandra X-ray Observatory imaging survey of quasars
     报告人:Herman Marshall
      (MIT Kavli Astrophysics & Space Research Institution, USA)
     摘  要:I will present recent results from a Chandra X-ray Observatory imaging survey of quasars and high resolution spectroscopy of the SS 433 jets. The survey consisted of 54 quasars with known radio-emitting jets. The jet detection rate was about 65%. We tested a model where the bulk of the X-ray emission arises from inverse Compton scattering of microwave background photons (the IC-CMB) model. For a subset of our sample with known superluminal motion based on VLBI observations, we estimated the angle of the kpc-scale jet to the line of sight by considering the additional information in the bends observed between pc- and kpc-scale jets. These angles are sometimes much smaller than estimates based on the IC-CMB model with a Lorentz factor of 15, indicating that these jets may decelerate significantly from pc scales to kpc scales. I will also report new results from deeper imaging of individual objects with Chandra and HST.
     时  间:2011年10月18日(星期二) 上午 10:00
     地  点:中科院紫金山天文台 617会议室